
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Song of Guns and Tedium

Man, I have got to find some decent scenarios for Flying Lead.  The boy and I lined up 450 points worth of evenly matched forces against each other and just did a shoot-em-til-they're-dead match.  This time it was his space mercs (GZG) attacking my police force.  After more than 2 hours, it was clear I was going to lose, but that it would take another couple of hours.


Alley firefight!
We really need to chase down some escort missions, or grab and runs, or something.  Maybe I'll peruse the Necormunda rules or make up a deck of mission cards for the next match.

The view from the winning side.
We also found that having lots of cool skills (me) is just as expensive as having decent activation, but doesn't do nearly as much good at the table.  His mooks outperformed my skill laden specialists dramatically.  Next fight we'll use a couple of heroes on each side supported by more easy to run mooks.


  1. I love SOBH, Flashing Steel and especially Fistful of Kung Fu - The king of the Ganesha rules IMO. It handles cinematic gun battles splendidly. Flying Lead was a big dud for me. Something about it just doesn't flow properly.

    1. Yep. Based on your recommendation, I'd been thinking about snagging a copy of the FiveCore rules for a couple of weeks. Last night's game did nothing to reassure me that I don't need a new set of sci-fi skirmish rules.


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