Thursday, April 15, 2021

Rule Hero > Rule Zero

 The problem with Rule Zero:

Is not that it isn't true, it's that it guards an army of lies.

How many planks can you remove from AD&D before you're not really playing AD&D any more?

No one talks about this.


  1. Man, I haven’t played D&D since the early 80s. Now I’m afraid to. :)

  2. Man, I haven’t played D&D since the early 80s, and now I’m afraid to. Thanks a lot. :)

  3. > before you're not really playing AD&D any more?

    ok, not playing AD&D. who cares? no one. hence the not talking about it. also, proly too busy having fun playing not AD&D to be having meta-theory discussions on what it is is they are playing.

    1. You'd think so, but a lot of people have a lot invested in the game and get seriously twisted out of shape at the slightest intimation they aren't SuperPlusUltraGamerZ!!1!


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