Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blog Restructuring

In addition to polishing off that nearly ten year old module, yesterday saw a minor restructuring of the blog.  A bunch of stuff from the sidebars has been moved up to the top bar for ease of access including the mini-megadungeon, the play through of Tyranny of Dragons, and some random D&D stuff including yesterday's module.  That frees up some clutter and should make it easier to find the stuff most likely to see use at the table.

Also, why am I so reticent to step off the cliff and dive into the G+ swimming pool?  Is it General misanthropy?  The lingering burns from Facebook?  Weariness with the all-pervasive presence of the drama-llama?  The knowledge that being located way the heck out in the GMT-10 timezone means no chance for gaming in a G+ hangout?  Perhaps I'm just an old man who finally hit his technological event horizon.  After all, none of my grams are instant, and my chaps aren't snapped, so maybe I just don't have the gumption to get my googles plussed.

Tomorrow:  Mini-megadungeon Level 10 - finally, the Big Boss and the bottom of the pit!


  1. I can understand the G+ misgivings. I took the step to open the door to the wolf earlier this year and am not really the wiser what to do with it. It appears I didn't stumble upon enough stuff to "plus-1" as I thought. As I've so much other google gear though I just figured "one couldn't hurt"!!

    1. Yeah, from the outside it looks like a really active Twitter/Facebook hybrid. My thinking was that I'd limit my activity on G+ to gaming stuff, but now that I have an account, it just doesn't look all that active. I'll keep it on the off chance that I can scrounge up a Roll20 game at some point, but for

  2. Looking good. I haven't gone the full google+ route yet either it drives me nuts trying to obtain some sort of control over the feed for it.

    1. Well that's not encouraging. But thanks for the input.


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